- Sales Stats are to be updated every Friday
- A calculation of daily sales from each rep will be sent to email
- Start, Computer, Comevo on 'evo' (T:) drive, SalesAndMarketing, Analytics, sReps, choose a specific Rep
Monthly Sales Tracking Spreadsheet
- Lead Generator: add up # of cold call hours, # of cold calls made, # of leads, and # of demos scheduled for the entire week- enter in each amount on the "Weekly Sales Tracking" spreadsheet under "Calling-Corporate" for the correct month and week
- Closer: add up the # of cold call hours, # of cold calls made, # of scheduled demos, and # of demos completed for the entire week- enter in each amount on the "Weekly Sales Tracking" spreadsheet under "Calling-Educational" for the correct month and week. Also, "A Pipeline" must be entered for the Closer. This amount can be found by: visitinghttp://evo/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/Oppurtunities, select agent, select ONLY type A, and then "view report." You must add up all amounts given for each entry and enter this total amount in the "A Pipeline" section in the "Weekly Sales Tracking" spreadsheet. Also, enter the $ of closes, # of closes and Cash-in (revenue) if applicable
- If a demo(s) was scheduled in that week, enter the name of the Corporation in the "Demos Scheduled" section- make sure to give the last entry in the week a "thick bottom border." If one demo was scheduled in a given week, give that entry a "thick bottom border." If more than one demos were scheduled in a given week, give the last entry a "thick bottom border."
- If a demo(s) was completed in that week, enter the name of the Corporation in the "Demos Completed" section- make sure to give the last entry in the week a "thick bottom border." If one demo was completed in a given week, give that entry a "thick bottom border." If more than one demos were completed in a given week, give the last entry a "thick bottom border."
Demo Tracking Spreadsheet
If a demo was either scheduled or completed, enter the Corporation in the "Weekly Sales Tracking" spreadsheet, but also in the "Demo Tracking" spreadsheet of the appropriate representative
If the demo was scheduled by the lead generator, enter the Corporation in their "Demo Tracking" spreadsheet
If the demo was scheduled by the closer, enter the Corporation in their "Demo Tracking" spreadsheet
When entering the demo scheduled, add the name in the first column, what type of source in the second column (either cc or web), when initial contact was made in the third column, and when the demo was scheduled for in the fourth column
When spreadsheet is updated, save file as PDF and send an email to the corresponding sales representative and cc Scott
Subject Heading: Updated Sales Stats- Name of sales rep
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