Switching from Rocket to III Template

Switching from Rocket to III Template

Dev walk-through to switch an orientation from the Rocket template, to the "flare" iii template. In a nutshell, this involves the creation of a new row in tblUXSkin, to associate the SkinId with the row in tblTrainingCourse, and some less-than-obvious CSS changes.

Must Haves:

  • Org Handle
  • Org Id
  • TrainingModuleId
  • TrainingCourseId (typically the one in WC)
  • SkinId assigned to TrainingCourseId
  • TemplateId (which for any iii is 2)
  • The value for UXPageLayoutGroupId to be
    • 2 - Flare
    • 3 - Soar
    • 5 - Prime
    • 6 - Charge
    • 7 - Rise

NOTE: This example moves a single Training Course (Module version) from “Rocket” to “Prime”. This is atypical because only the "flare" template is free to everybody and will have a tblUXPage.UXPageLayoutGroupId value of NULL.

1. Copy the /scripts and /images bucket folders from skins/%orgHandle%/rocket/default to /%orgHandle%/iii/prime
2. Create the /styles folder. We are going to have to rename the 2 css files before we upload them.
    a. Download the original 2 css files and rename each
    b. colors-rocket.css => colors-prime.css
    c. stylesheet-rocket.css => stylesheet-prime.css
           i.This one will have the splash reference. You will need to change #overlay to #backgroundSplash
    d. Hold off uploading these 2 files for now, there are a handful of changes that need to be made because the Prime skin has some problems              with cascading.
3. If no other Module Versions are using the SkinId, the record in [tblUXSkin] can be updated, otherwise we’re creating a new record.
    a. TemplateId = 2
    b. SkinPath = %orgHandle%/iii/prime
    c. UXPageLayoutGroupId = 5
4. If a new record was created in [tblUXSkin], now is the time to update the corresponding SkinId in [tblTrainingCourse] for the TrainingCourseId. Otherwise this step can be skipped.
5. Walk through the newly skinned site. There will most likely need to be changes to the CSS.

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