How to Deactivate an Account

How to Deactivate an Account

1. Nullify Their Handles

  • Log on to the Server, and open up SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  • In the table Socrates/Databases/Training/Tables/tblOrganizations, find the company and prefix their handle in the field ."OrganizationHandle" with "zyyyymmdd_", where the yyyymmdd is the format of today's date.

2. Nullify Their Users

  • In the table Socrates/Databases/Training/Tables/tblAccountUser, Query for the users associated with this handle.
    • First, find out the email domain name by looking the Sugar CRM for this company. (For example, Kent state contacts have a domain name of
    • Open up the SQL view of this table, and add "WHERE UserName LIKE ''.
  • For every User that is returned, write down their AccountUserId, and prefix their user name with "zyyyymmdd".
  • Open up the table Socrates/Databases/ComevoApp/Tables/trelAccountUser_ApplicationRole.
  • Query for each of the AccountUserId's written down in the previous step.
    • In SQL view, add "WHERE AccountUserId = X", with the X being the UserId.
  • Delete the table entries for each of these Id's (there should be 2, in most cases).


3. Nullify Their Folders

  • Go to the folder C:\WebSites\training_skins. Find the folder for this client, and prefix it with "zyyyymmdd_".
  • Go to the folder C:\WebSites\training_media. Find the folder for this client, and prefix it with "zyyyymmdd_".

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