How to Deactivate a Module

How to Deactivate a Module

Steps to take to deactivate a client module

1. Navigate to the Correct Table Entry

    • Log on to the Server, and open up SQL Server Management Studio Express.
    • In the table Socrates/Databases/Training/Tables/tblTrainingModules:
      • Open up the SQL view of this table, and add "WHERE TrainingModuleId = '{trainingModuleId}'
      • Execute the Query


2. Modify The Module Name

    • In the TrainingModuleName field, prefix the name with '[organizationId/organizationHandle]' (e.g. "[123/comevo]")


3. Change the Organization Id

    • Change the Organization Id to the disabled Organization id. As of this update, that Id is '62'


4. Check

    • Go to the management console and sign in under that organization's handle. That module should not appear in their drop-down list anymore
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