Step by step walk through to copy a live site (course) into the Demo Handle.
Must Haves:
With the above pieces of information, we can now derive the OrganizationalUnitId.
1. Create a new Module in the Admin Panel for the "Demo" handle, name it "{original handle} - {original module name} ie "Anderson Construction - Subcontractor Orientation". Write down the new ModuleID number, and go to the DB to find the TrainingCourseId.
2. Make a copy of the original Training Course using stored procedure spTrainingCourse_Copy@TrainingCourseId, GetDate(). Write down this new TrainingCourseId.
3. At this point, we have two Training Courses - one from the admin panel module creation, and one from the sql procedure. We need to delete the training course that was created through the admin panel module creation. Use stored procedure spMaint_TrainingCourse_Remove to remove the training first training course.
4. Now create a new folder in F:\resource-files\training_skins.mvc with the name demo_%handle%". Copy the existing skin (all folders) into this new folder.
5. Create a new record in tblUXSkin, set the SkinPath to "demo_{handle}/{template}/{themename} ie "demo_marshall/rocket/default" . Write thew new SkinID down.
6. Update tblTrainingCourse : find the new course that was created by the SQL from above. edit the following attributes:
This is an EXAMPLE orientation for DEMO purposes only. (If you are a student, please contact your administrator for your appropriate url and login.)
Please enter the orientation
7. Navigate to tblIntakeField and set up three fields to ShowOnIntake.
8. All the images and videos will be dead links (or error pages). These need to be copied manually from F:\resource files\training_media\%handle%\* to F:\resource-files\training_media\demo_{handle}\*
9. Run the three SQL commands in figure 1. Replace {demo_handle} with the new path you created, and @NewTrainingCourseId with the new training course id for each command.
10. Download the s3 media folder for the existing module. Prefix the files with demo_handle_ and add to the demo media folder.
11. Videos need to be added manually. Navigate through the orientation to find broken video links, then navigate back to the page and add the videos back in as necessary. You could also just navigate through the first orientation to create a list of all videos used.
12. Navigate through entire orientation as a user, make sure all pages load correctly, there are no visual flaws, all media loads, and quizzes/tests work. These are used for sales demos, we do not want errors to occur.
Figure 1