How To Add a Module To Select List in Manage Users

How To Add a Module To Select List in Manage Users

In the Manage Users section of the Management Console, There is a "Send email invite to" select list for modules. In order for a module to show up here, you need to do the following.

In the Manage Users section of the Management Console, There is a "Send email invite to" select list for modules. In order for a module to show up here, you need to do the following:
1. Change the AccessMethod - Lookup up the Training Course by TrainingModuleId for the client and change the AccessMethod to 5. I have a saved SQL script to look this up by handle.
2. Make sure the module is live
3. Set the From Email Address - Get the From email address from the client. Add it to the courses for that module in tblTrainingCourse. NOTE: if you don't do this, you will get an error when you hit the upload button

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