Databases Available

Databases Available

  • ABI / Inform: In-depth coverage on business issues, competitive information, and management techniques.
  • Business Source Premier: Full text for journals covering marketing management, MIS, POM, and finance.
  • First Research: Useful for learning a company's key business issues, including industry segments.
  • Hoover's Online: Delivers comprehensive company, industry, and market intelligence that drives business growth.
  • Nexis Uni: Indexes business, legal, and news sources, including newspaper, periodicals, blogs, and financial information.
  • Research report database covering market intelligence on consumer demographics, market size, and growth trends, industry forces, product trends, competitive environment analysis, and company profiles.
  • Mergent Online: A fully searchable database with financial details of active and inactive companies.
  • MRI MediaMark: Provides information on demographics, lifestyles, product usage, and advertising preferences of consumers.
  • Statista: Statistics portal which provides direct access to quantitative data on media, business, politics, and a wide variety of other interests.

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