BI Procedures - needs updating
- Update SalesTracking access file
- Run CreateDomofile
- Go to
- In Zoho Analytics click on DomoData table file
- Click “import data”
- Choose “import data into this table”
- Choose “import from Files & Feeds”
- How do you want to import? “Delete existing records and add”
- File type “excel”
- Data Location “Local drive”
- Choose file “(the file you created in access-should be domodata.xlsx on desktop or in documents folder)
- Click next
- Click next
- Click import
- Review data to see if future dates have been imported, if so edit the data file to remove future dates
D&E Data:
- Open Zoho docs file D&E tracking
- Update from data in sales reps spreadsheets
- Close
- File automatically updates each day at 6am
Employment Data:
- Open Zoho docs file Comevo Metrics
- Click on “turnrate” tab
- Update throughout the month based on employees that are terminated and hired
- Ask Leslie at end of the month if there had been any “pips”
- Close
- File automatically updates each day at 6am
- Open Zoho docs file InboundAnalytics-2018.xlsx
- Click on “Webinar” tab
- Update at the end of the month from Zoho Meetings information
- close
- File automatically updates each day at 6am
- Open Zoho docs file InboundAnalytics-2018.xlsx
- Click on “Conferences” tab
- Update at the end of the month from Jotmail data
- Close
- File automatically updates each day at 6am
Comevo Metrics:
- Open Zoho docs file Comevo Metrics.xlsx
- Run monthly reports in Quickbooks:
- Reports-Memorized Reports-BI
- Payroll summary customer care-Make sure you add any new employees in this category in the customize reports-Filters-Name
- Change the end date to the prior month
- Memorize the report and replace
- Change the beginning date to the first day of the prior month
- Review the Emp % chart in the excel file to see how much each person allocated to that department
- On Cost of Acquisition tab add prior month column
- Enter information from Payroll summary Customer Care report into proper location
- Repeat for the sales/marketing payroll summary
- Run additional report in QB
- Reports-Memorized Reports-BI-Transaction List by vendor-change date to prior month, use this information on Cost of Acquisition tab for hosting fees (amazon web services) webinar fees (zoom)(Gotomeeting/Log me in) (Zoho)(Zoom)
- Run Profit and Loss standard report in QB for prior month
- Use it to fill in other information on Cost of Acquisition Tab
- Carry over information from Cost of Acquisition tab to Metrics Tab
- close
- File automatically updates each day at 6am
- review each report in Zoho to see if the data came in correctly. Look to see if the dates are only thru the prior month
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