Update SalesTracking access file
Run CreateDomofile
Go to
In Zoho Analytics click on DomoData table file
Click “import data”
Choose “import data into this table”
Choose “import from Files & Feeds”
How do you want to import? “Delete existing records and add”
File type “excel”
Data Location “Local drive”
Choose file “(the file you created in access-should be domodata.xlsx on desktop or in documents folder)
Click next
Click next
Click import
Review data to see if future dates have been imported, if so edit the data file to remove future dates
D&E Data:
Open Zoho docs file D&E tracking
Update from data in sales reps spreadsheets
File automatically updates each day at 6am
Employment Data:
Open Zoho docs file Comevo Metrics
Click on “turnrate” tab
Update throughout the month based on employees that are terminated and hired
Ask Leslie at end of the month if there had been any “pips”
File automatically updates each day at 6am
Open Zoho docs file InboundAnalytics-2018.xlsx
Click on “Webinar” tab
Update at the end of the month from Zoho Meetings information
File automatically updates each day at 6am
Open Zoho docs file InboundAnalytics-2018.xlsx
Click on “Conferences” tab
Update at the end of the month from Jotmail data
File automatically updates each day at 6am
Comevo Metrics:
Open Zoho docs file Comevo Metrics.xlsx
Run monthly reports in Quickbooks:
Reports-Memorized Reports-BI
Payroll summary customer care-Make sure you add any new employees in this category in the customize reports-Filters-Name
Change the end date to the prior month
Memorize the report and replace
Change the beginning date to the first day of the prior month
Review the Emp % chart in the excel file to see how much each person allocated to that department
On Cost of Acquisition tab add prior month column
Enter information from Payroll summary Customer Care report into proper location
Repeat for the sales/marketing payroll summary
Run additional report in QB
Reports-Memorized Reports-BI-Transaction List by vendor-change date to prior month, use this information on Cost of Acquisition tab for hosting fees (amazon web services) webinar fees (zoom)(Gotomeeting/Log me in) (Zoho)(Zoom)
Run Profit and Loss standard report in QB for prior month
Use it to fill in other information on Cost of Acquisition Tab
Carry over information from Cost of Acquisition tab to Metrics Tab
File automatically updates each day at 6am
review each report in Zoho to see if the data came in correctly. Look to see if the dates are only thru the prior month